Sunday, March 7, 2010

Craving for White Castle

OK, so there are no White Castles in Atlanta..None not one..The closest I've come to eating what I consider to be the best fast food burger in the world is the freezer at Krogers..Not even close once you nuke it..It just gets hard and dry..Gross..

There is this one place called Krystal that some compare to White Castle..Are you kidding me..There is no comparison to a White Castle burger..

For crying out loud..Krystals puts mustard on their burger..Big no no..The buns are not steamed to perfection like White Castles are..The meat..Oh forget about it, I cant' even begin to explain the meat..

When I worked in Manhattan and left my job after midnight on some occasions..My associates and I would walk up to 37th street and 8th avenue just to get some White Castle burgers for our train ride into Brooklyn..

The place was always busy..You had your late night workers both legitimate and not so legitimate..There were the club goers and the college kids from NYU..Yeah they too would come up from the village for some burgers..

Everyone had that same look of longing for what we all knew was about to be the best experience of our day..Your order was taken and within a few minutes you were in heaven.. We would take our order and head out the door back towards the 34th street and 6th avenue subway station..

The burgers would never make it to the station because we all ate as we walked..Only skilled professionals could handle such a task..Believe me it was a task dodging crack in the side walk and other pedestrians..Remember this is the city that never sleeps..

What do I have to do to get a White Castle in this town..I wonder if the mayor can help..He looks like he might like a White Castle burger or 2..Hey Mayor Reed if your reading this let me know what you think..

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