Wednesday, March 31, 2010

No More Coats

Ok..So I'm a die hard New Yorker at heart..With that said there is one thing I definitley enjoy about living in the south..I can get rid of my overcoat and or jacket by March..This weather is fantastic..Today its going to go up to 75 degrees..Can you believe it, it's only march 31st..

There is one draw back to the great weather, by early summer it gets so hot you can't even walk outside without feeling as though your going to pass out from heat exhaustion..Believe me there have been times when I thought someone was going to find me passed out in the Targets parking lot..Can't allow the heat to stop me from finding a bargain..

I am lucky enough to have a pool in my apartment complex..It can be enjoyable when all of bebe's kids and their friends are not around being little pains..So I usually just opt out to take my 2 year old to the park where there are a number of sprinklers for her to run through..

Michelle enjoys it either way, so if she's happy, I'm happy and the world can be at peace..If you have a 2 year old you'll know what I'm talking about..

So today is going to be an outside day for us..I'm glad spring is here and I can't wait for summer..Although I do enjoy summers in New York more than I do in the south..There is always so much to do but just not enough time to do it..

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